Chapter 254 - Extinction

The snow was falling so hard that Zhao Chen's head had already turned white!

He was riding the Bright Jade Lion. At this moment, the horse was very excited! They travelled day after day, and the horses had not rested for several days and nights. However, the horses did not feel the slightest bit tired! This was truly worthy of being called the legendary horse king. His physical fitness far exceeded that of an ordinary warhorse!

"Your Majesty, we have arrived at the Wu Dao Beach!" Yu Yunwen followed beside Zhao Chen. At the moment, he was also exhausted, but a smile still appeared on his face.

"We have already contacted Zhao Zhe, Liu Qi. Our three great army has surrounded the Western Xia people! There is no suspense in this battle, there is no doubt that we will win! " Yu Yunwen said.

"That's right, we will definitely win this battle!" The main forces of Western Xia have been completely surrounded by us. Once we eliminate them, we can leave for the Xingqing Mansion! At that time, the Xingqing Mansion would be surrounded by hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and they would be attacked as well! Without a main force, a capital or an emperor, the Party member would never be able to threaten us again! " Zhao Chen laughed.

"That's right!" Western Xia threatened our Song Dynasty for more than a hundred years, and now it is finally time for them to perish! " Yu Yunwen was also abnormally excited!

The Song Dynasty and the Western Xia were sworn enemies. Over the past hundred years, the Western Army and the Western Xia had fought to no end. Who knew how many Han people from the Northwest had died in the hands of the Western Xia! Now that it was finally the time to take revenge, Yu Yunwen couldn't help but be excited!

"The staff officer's battle plan has been completely successful this time!" Zhao Chen said.

This time, the ultimate goal of all the movements of the armies was for the main force of Western Xia! Whether it was Shanbei Forbidden Army, Tsinghua Army, or Jingyuan Army, they were all rushing towards the main force of Western Xia! The population of the Western Xia was limited, and the most recorded time was only around three million. Therefore, the number of soldiers and horses they had was also extremely limited! When they were in Hongzhou City and Yanzhou City, Shanbei Forbidden Army had already annihilated seventy thousand of Western Xia Army. If they were to completely annihilate the 320,000 strong main force here, then Western Xia really wouldn't have any military power left! At that time, the Western Xia would allow the Song Dynasty to ride on their horses!

From the surface, it had started with attacking the Hongzhou, Yan Zhou and the other Western Xia eastern cities. But later, the one hundred thousand Jingyuan Army s seemed to be attacking the Western Xia capital city as well, and the previous Hongzhou s and Yan Zhou's attack seemed to have become a trap, but all of this was fake, the entire plan was aimed at the main forces of Western Xia! In such an era, to have such a grand battle plan, destroying the main force of Western Xia in one fell swoop and destroying the entire country in one go was truly very rare! It was difficult for any high ranking officer to come up with such a grand plan of battle!

At this moment, Zhao Chen was also secretly praising in his heart. He thought to himself that the establishment of the staff officer headquarters was completely correct! This battle was enough to prove the staff officer's powerful planning and commanding abilities!

Hearing this, Yu Yunwen also nodded his head continuously, he felt that the victory in this battle was directly related to the staff officer headquarters! If he did not have the staff officer's headquarters and only sent hundreds of thousands of soldiers into the Western Xia territory, it would be impossible to wipe out the Western Xia in a short period of time!

"Your majesty, Zhao Zhe, General Liu Qi has brought the food over!" At this time, Kang An came over to Zhao Chen's side and said.

"Very good! Immediately distribute the food, and let the soldiers have a good meal! " Zhao Chen said.

Your Majesty, General Liu Qi has one more gift to offer! Kang An said again.

The Shanbei Forbidden Army will now rest here!

Jingyuan Army and Tsinghua Army had already brought a large amount of food and firewood here. The soldiers started a fire to cook! The weather was too cold. Countless soldiers had gathered around the bonfire! There were a few soldiers patrolling by the side. Many of the soldiers had fallen asleep from exhaustion!

Gradually, the aroma of food and meat rose into the air. Many soldiers began to eat!

At this moment, not only was there the smell of food and meat coming from the Shanbei Forbidden Army, there was also the smell of food and meat coming from the direction of the Jingyuan Army!

The fragrance of the rice and meat was incomparably wonderful, but to the Western Xia soldiers of the Wudao Beach, it was like poison!

Many Western Xia soldiers were already starving. Some Western Xia soldiers hadn't eaten for two or three days!

After smelling the fragrance, the three hundred thousand soldiers of the Western Xia Army felt their stomachs growl! Countless Western Xia soldiers were already salivating!

They were all restless, anxiety written all over their faces!

At this moment, everyone knew that they were surrounded!

In this sort of situation, when the enemy had something to eat and drink to drink, yet they were able to endure the hunger here, their mood could be imagined.

There was already a slight disturbance in the military!

Moreover, not only that, now that the winds and snow were mixed in with each other, they couldn't even find firewood in this desolate desert! They couldn't start a fire, so they felt extremely cold! At this moment, even the weapons in their hands were filled with ice shards. Their cold hands could not even catch these weapons that were covered with ice shards!

The three hundred thousand soldiers of the Western Xia Army were already like this, how could they continue fighting?

Four hours had passed, and the sky was already beginning to brighten. However, the sky was still overcast!

The soldiers of Shanbei Forbidden Army had already rested for four hours, and most of the soldiers had already slept on each other! As for Jingyuan Army, Tsinghua Army, they had already been here for many days, their bodies had long since reached their peak state!

And the three hundred thousand soldiers of the Western Xia Army below, under the encirclement of the three sides, didn't dare to rest at all! Even if there were soldiers resting, the general would immediately wake them up! Since they had left the Yanzhou City, they had never rested, and never closed their eyes!

However, the Song Army still did not attack!

At this time, in the northwest direction, the Song Army suddenly opened up a path for them!

As soon as this path of survival appeared, some warriors in the western Xia army had already discovered it!

Many soldiers knew that this was a 'scheme', but they still ran towards that direction like crazy!

They didn't want to stay at the Five Daos Beach. If they stayed, they would die without a doubt! If he went from there, he might even be able to survive!

The western Xia army was suddenly in chaos!

He ran at the front with his strong body, while the other high-ranking officers rushed at the front!

The weaker soldiers followed behind!

There had been some trampling in the military, but at this moment, no one had the time to care about such things! Many soldiers had already been trampled to death by their own people!

Finally, when the strongest Western Xia soldiers had escaped, most of the remaining soldiers didn't have the strength to rush out. At this time, that "escape route" was blocked! The Song Army had finally launched an all-out attack from all directions!

Army battles were a group matter. If those thousands of strong warriors were here, under their leadership, those weak soldiers would still be able to display a great amount of fighting strength! But now that all those people had left, the western Xia army formed by the remaining people, although on the surface, there were still around 300,000 of them, their actual combat power was reduced by at least half!

Moreover, when countless of generals rushed out on horses, the western Xia army's command system had been completely destroyed and their fighting strength had been reduced by half!

In addition, there were those who could escape, while the rest would die here. Their hearts were filled with hatred towards those who were escaping! They also hoped that the opening would appear again. They hoped that they could escape instead of staying and fighting to the death! This way, their combat strength would drop again!

What's more, they were already exhausted and cold and hungry. What kind of army was there left? They couldn't even compare to the Shaanxi's Thirty-sixth Army. Even if the original Thirty-sixth Army were here, they would still be able to annihilate them without any suspense!

From morning till afternoon, the bloody battles never stopped!

Three hundred thousand of Western Xia's main forces had died here! The smell of blood could be smelled from dozens of miles away! A true river of blood!

Zhao Chen just watched quietly, the expression on his face extremely indifferent! This was an enemy that had died, he wouldn't have any sympathy! In such an era, being merciful to the enemy was akin to being cruel to oneself!

Night gradually descended, and the battle finally came to an end!

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